Friday, March 6, 2009

All Hail The Conquering Blood Pressure

29 weeks, 4 days

I'm crying "Uncle". That damn blood pressure has beat me again! At yesterday's OB appt., my BP was a frightening 176/106! That put everyone in the office in a bit of a fluster. And, I was forced to lay down on my left side for a while to see if it would fix itself. They took it two more times and it dropped significantly. But, was still up there at about 135/93 when the Dr. finally came in to see me. Between that, and some sudden moments of near fainting spells, I'm definitely feeling the pregnancy woes. I can't stay on my feet for more than a few minutes at a time without getting winded or dizzy. The other day I got that numbing in my ears.....the one that says "you better lay down, or I'm doing it for you." So, I'm having to stay off my feet and get plenty of bed rest. That is terribly annoying, and not easy to do, when there is so much to be done to prepare for the baby, let alone what needs to happen to keep the house running smoothly and cleanly.

Our little girl was measuring 8 days ahead and weighed in at approx. 4 lbs! Wow. She is getting sooooo big! That's 1 lb gained in only two weeks! No wonder I'm feeling so much weight and pressure in my belly lately. Every time I get up, it feels like she's going to drop out. Some of the best news is that she's packing on the pounds, but I'm not! I've not gained any weight at all in over a month! This alone brings a big smile to my face. Guess I'm losing while she's gaining, so it is all balancing out.

We've been taking lots of classes at the hospital this week (which has added to my exhaustion and stress level). But, it has been very informative and fun. Tomorrow is the labor and birthing course which will instruct us on breathing, coaching, focal points....all those things that I secretly think are useless because I'll be in PAIN! LOL When I had really bad morning sickness, poor SG couldn't touch me because it made me feel worse. So, I'm fearing all of these techniques will just annoy the hell out of me. I feel sorry for him already.


Land family said...

I just found your blog and had to comment. I had pregnancy induced hypertension with both of my pregnancies. With the first, I had modified bedrest for the last month (sounds similar to your situation). Just a warning though, with my 2nd I had elevated bp by 32 weeks! I had to be put on medication, have an ultrasound weekly, and a NST weekly from then on. *MAJOR* bummer. But luckily, both of my girls were born perfectly fine. :)

I hope the rest of your pregnancy is uneventful and healthy!

Michella said...

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I actually have chronic hypertension and have been on meds for a few years now. So far, it doesn't look like I've got any signs of pre-e (thank goodess). But, we are closely watching things. I'm doing what I can to take it easy and not get my BP up too high. It is easier said than done when you've got a million things that need to be done. But, this is too important to fool around with. Thanks again!