(She's reached viability! If I went into preterm labor today, she's got a chance of surviving outside the womb. However, let's hope for at least 37 weeks!)
It is official. I'm having problems tying my shoes. And, all future dressing from the waist down must be done in the sitting position. Otherwise, I'll topple over. Pregnant women are not Weebles. In fact, I was a one woman comedy sketch at Target the other day when I noticed my tennis shoes were untied. I attempted to bend over quite a few times before giving up. There was no way I was reaching my laces! So, up went my foot onto a nearby toy shelf, and my task was finally accomplished!
This weekend I had a shock. I realized February is here...which means that March and April were just around the corner. Holy Moly! The baby is almost here and I've not purchased a single thing (other than a couple of dresses and onesies). So, the nesting quickly began. I made sure I started getting my registry in order. I went to look at my girlfriend's crib and changing table that she's giving us (it needs painting). I've finally picked out a bedding set. I've started to seriously investigate cloth diapering. And, I'm getting together a "must have" list. This includes things we need to buy, like a video camera, storage boxes, etc. I also have been trying to narrow down my invitation list for the baby shower.
All this was done in a matter of 24 hours after discovering the rude ticking clock. It was just yesterday that I had plenty of time to sit and dream about the future. Today, I feel overwhelmed that there is not a whole lot of time left. It isn't that the things that need to be done are that numerous. It is coming to the realization that my state definitely slows me down and makes it much harder to get things accomplished. Something that may normally take me a day to do, takes me at least four. I have to stop and rest and take naps a lot! In fact, laying down to take a nap is a huge event. I can't sleep for an hour anymore. If I nap, I wake up after a solid sleep after at least three hours! I find this crazy! But, I've got the luxury to sleep, and so I'm letting my body do what it needs.
The photo posted above was taken at the specialist appt. we had last Thursday. She's smiling! The doctor was our "second opinion", and he says he can't tell if she's got a duplex collecting system or not. But, the blockage in her ureter is extreme and my have caused permanent damage to her kidney. But, we won't know for sure until she is born. We'll be having a joint meeting with the same doctor and a peds urologist in March, where they'll try and determine more. But for now, we know that she's doing fine otherwise, and should have a normal birth.
It's 10 am here and it is time for my three hour crash time. Night, night everybody!
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