Monday, January 19, 2009

Loving it

23 weeks, 0 days

This last week was one of the most pleasant I can remember. Our OB appt. was a joy! The ultrasound looked good. Though her kidney still shows a problem, it doesn't appear as though it has progressed. So, we are happy about that. She weighed approx. 1 lb, 7 oz, and all of her other organs and bones are growing beautifully. Amniotic fluid levels were great and it was fun to see her moving around once again. The best news we heard was that there were no signs of any Down's markers to be found. We breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that, especially after we opted out of the amnio. I'm really proud of us for not caving under all of the pressure a couple of weeks ago! She's looking great, otherwise!

I feel her move more and more. She does take little quiet breaks, where she is probably sleeping. But, as long as I pay attention and sit still, I can feel those sweet little bubbling feelings all over my tummy. I even saw her move! I was reclining on the sofa with my feet up, and she was kicking my upper tummy pretty hard. It was so strong, that when I laid the TV remote on me , it practically jumped off my belly! So funny. Yesterday, I was trying to explain to SG how I feel her moving everywhere. I was poking my tummy in all different places to show him, not realizing she could feel it. After a few of my pokes, she must have been annoyed because she kicked back. That sent us howling. We've got a feisty one on our hands!

I started registering for baby items this week. What a job! I'm still trying to figure out what we really need, and what is just baby industry hype. So, I'm taking it slow and only getting things that are essentials. I don't like any of the bedding in the stores and think they are terribly overpriced. We're also trying to get my baby shower date nailed down. Looks like it will be some time in March.

My PSD has been giving me trouble this week. It's probably because I've been doing a little more walking. I may have to get one of those pregnancy support belts. But, I'm putting it off because they look so darn uncomfortable. I'm just trying to stay off my feet too much for now. I'm still getting some days where I'm pretty exhausted. I'm starting to wonder if it is my blood pressure medication that has been causing a lot of the problem. I know exhaustion during pregnancy is common. But, I'm still trying to find my loophole. =)

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