Monday, December 1, 2008


16 weeks, 0 days.

This last week made me feel like I'm in the movie Awakenings. One moment, I'm in a coma. The next moment, I'm full of a massive amount of energy. And then, well you know the rest. I slip back into a coma again and it looks like I'm never coming back. When the exhaustion hits, it hits hard. I was so looking forward to enjoying the holiday weekend. But instead, I slept right through it. We had to cancel dinner invitations and I stayed in bed for three days straight.

I continue to get little flutters, which appear to be the baby. But sometimes, I'm just not sure. I'm still getting some pretty harsh nausea in the evenings, and the other morning I woke up with some cramping. All par for the course, from what I read. By the end of the week, the baby should be the length of my outstretched hand. That's pretty darn big, when I think about it.

Round ligament pain hits now and then. Mostly on the far right and left of my lower abdomen, I get shooting sharp pains. If I don't bend my knees when I sneeze, it is sheer agony! Ouch. But, it goes away quickly, so it is definitely tolerable. I'm also way past the stage of being able to wear my regular clothes. I tried on my jeans the other day and had to laugh. That zipper was in no way going to come together. Oh well. It was a good attempt.

I made the mistake of going with SG to get donuts yesterday morning. Yikes. All that sugar put me over the edge. I'm noticing more and more how much I really need to keep up on the protein. If I eat carbs without protein, I feel really bad. I'm drinking protein shakes in between meals to help keep that going. Lots of yogurts and cottage cheese are also a big help to have as snacks. SG continues to be an amazing source of love and support. He has taken over the kitchen duty after I cook, so I don't have to worry about cleaning up. That man is getting sexier by the moment.

Tomorrow I go in for the AFP test (which measures 4 different levels in your blood as a screen for Down's, spina bifida, and other disorders.) I'll have the results in a week or so!

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