We sat in the car as quiet as can be. We had just been given quite a blow. At our ultrasound today, we were told our baby shows signs of a possible defect in its right kidney. As the doctor gave us the news, I could see his mouth moving, but his voice and the room around us became a numbing blur. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
We are being sent to a specialist to get more details. The kidney and its accompanying ureter is enlarged, suggesting that there is a blockage in the ureter somewhere near the bladder. Of course, we jumped onto the web as soon as we got home and started educating ourselves about he issue. Some of the stuff we read made us feel better. While other information put a pit in the bottom of our stomachs. One thing we discovered was that the problem is not associated with the age of the mother. Of all the things you worry about because of your age! Now, our baby potentially has an issue not pertaining to me or anything I've done. I guess that is supposed to make me feel a little better. But let's face it. Nothing makes me feel too good, regardless of who or what is at fault. The problem can cause severe damage to the kidney and worst case scenario, destroy the kidney and cause potential damage to the baby's lungs. But, the doctor didn't seem to think it was bad enough to even go there just yet. Best case scenario? It will resolve itself without any intervention. So now, we wait.
On a positive note, the baby looked great in all other areas of the scan. The first photograph seen above is a profile of the head and body. As you can see, the lower half of our little one's body is missing in the frame....we wanted to make sure we couldn't see the sex of the baby yet. So, the tech was protecting us from any "oops" moments. We did get to see the active legs and the baby's little itty bitty feet and toes. So cute! We also saw our little one's arms and hands moving about like crazy.

The tech was able to determine the baby's sex, which she wrote down on a Christmas card and sealed it with some photos inside for us to open on the 25th. She said she's been doing this for 6 years now and has never been wrong. So, we're pretty confident that whatever it says on the card, we can take to the bank.
The little one measured 18 weeks, 4 days (one day ahead of schedule) and currently weighs approx. 10 oz. The heart rate was 143, and is pretty much what we've been measuring on the home doppler.
We also received the AFP result details, which my OB said were spectacular. At least we got some good news today, not to mention how many times the ultrasound tech and the OB kept praising me for the great length of my cervix. Who would have known I'd be excited about the size of my cervix some day? I can tell you. It wasn't at the top of my list of things I was hoping to experience before I croak.
The AFP results are as follows:
Down's Syndrome: Negative. Risk is 1:9,000. (normal cut off is 1 in 150)
Trisomy 18: Negative. Risk is 1:2,300 (normal cut off is 1 in 100)
Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome, Congenital Abnormalities, and Fetal Demise: Negative. Risk is 1:10,000. (cut off is 1 in 250)
Open Neural Tube Defect: Negative.
Another fun tidbit... Yesterday, I was driving and I felt a strong kick on my lower right side. It was the first time I've felt anything like it. And, I had no doubt, it was the baby. I was in the car all by myself and started laughing with joy. What a great feeling!
And if you are still reading this.....please vote for whether you think we are having a boy or a girl. And then, come back and find out the results of our ultrasound after Christmas!!!
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